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Vertex AI Innovating Made Simple and Powerful

Organizations everywhere are on a quest to unlock the vast powers of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Speed is key, and a solution that accelerates development is like finding gold. Enter Google Cloud’s Vertex AI – a shining star in this quest. With its robust, enterprise-ready features, turbocharged by the innovative Gemini models, it’s truly gold.

So, what makes Vertex AI a must-adopt technology? Let’s unpack unpack this versatile platform.

What is Vertex AI?

What is Vertex AI?

Imagine a toolbox so versatile that it can handle almost any AI task you throw at it. Welcome to Vertex AI. The platform boasts over 130 models, acting as a catalyst for transforming the benefits of AI innovation into manageable projects. Whether creating innovative applications or integrating them into daily workflows, the process is straighforward.

What is Vertex AI used for?

Vertex AI is an ML platform that effortlessly trains and deploys machine learning models and artificial intelligence applications. Moreover, it allows you to customize large language models (LLMs). Whether you’re a budding startup or a well-established enterprise, it can be a valuable partner in navigating the growth of AI.

Build Generative Apps

As part of the platform, you can utilize the innovative generative AI capabilities of the Gemini multimodal models. These powerful tools allow you to swiftly create sophisticated apps, transforming your visionary ideas into tangible solutions.

Streamlined ML Model Training

You get a comprehensive, user-friendly environment for training, testing, and tuning your ML models. It simplifies complex processes, making ML accessible and manageable, regardless of your technical expertise.

Accelerated Development

Merge your data and operations to fast-track your project’s progress. This integration results in a more streamlined development process, reducing the time from concept to deployment.

Cost-Effective and Efficient

You significantly reduce both training time and associated costs. This efficiency not only saves resources but also allows you to focus on innovation and value creation.


Is Vertex AI good? Absolutely! Not only is it good, but it’s a fantastic low-code AI/ML platform suitable for a broad audience. The ease of access and low-code approach democratize AI, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. Plus, you can train and test your types of machine learning, making them an invaluable asset in your tech toolkit.

Following are some of the stand-out features:

  • Data Preparation
    Sets a solid foundation for your AI projects, ensuring your data is well-prepared for the next stages of ML development.
  • Model Training
    Awesome precision for refining your models. The platform’s advanced tools allow for meticulous model training, ensuring high-quality results.
  • Model Evaluation
    Fine-tune your creations and thoroughly test models to meet the desired accuracy and efficiency standards before deployment.
  • Deployment
    Easily transition your AI solutions from the drawing board to a real-world application. Its deployment tools are designed for smooth transitions into operational environments.
  • Monitoring
    Tools allow you to track, analyze, and optimize models in real time.
  • Explainability
    Provides insights into how and why your models make certain decisions, promoting transparency and trust.

Is Vertex AI part of Google?

Yes, Vertex AI is part of the Google Cloud products family. It is a unified AI platform that consolidates all of Google’s cloud services under one umbrella. Building, deploying, and scaling ML models becomes a streamlined process. Also, you can tap into the pre-trained models and customizable tools.

Your next question is probably, what is the difference between Google AI and Vertex AI?

When exploring the landscape of Google’s offerings, it’s essential to understand the distinct features of Google Vertex AI compared to Google Cloud AI. First, it represents Google’s response to the rapidly evolving marketplace, bundling its AI/ML tools into a more cohesive and competitive package.

Designed to streamline the development process, the platform stands out in several key ways:

Unified Platform

Everything is integrated into one seamless platform—from data prep to model training and deployment. This means less complexity and more efficiency in managing development projects.

AutoML Capabilities

With AutoML integration, development is open to everyone, not just experts. It automates tricky parts like model selection, making it easier for anyone to build high-quality AI models.

MLOps Focus

The platform emphasizes MLOps, ensuring that AI models are not only created but also effectively managed and maintained in the long run, keeping them accurate and reliable.

In short, Google Vertex AI is about making advanced machine learning simpler and more accessible, whether you’re just starting or are an experienced developer.

Gemini: The Multimodal Model Marvel

At its heart lies the Gemini model. Considered the Swiss Army knife of AI, Gemini is adept at processing diverse inputs—text, images, video, or code—and generating varied outputs. This makes it invaluable for developing cutting-edge AI applications, simplifying tasks like text extraction from images or converting image text to JSON.

A Rich Repository of Models

Vertex AI boasts an extensive range of models, ensuring a perfect match for any project with integration into your systems.

Key offerings include:

  • Google’s Innovations – models like PaLM API, Imagen, and Codey for cutting-edge AI solutions.
  • Third-Party Excellence – including Anthropic’s Claude 3, blending external expertise into your projects.
  • Open Model Access – options like Gemma and Llama 2 offer versatility and adaptability.
  • Diverse Range – catering to various needs, ensuring your project has the ideal AI model.
  • Seamless Integration – easily incorporates these models into your existing systems for efficient AI deployment.

Who Uses Vertex AI?

The client list reads like a ‘who’s who’ of the business world, with names like Ford, Seagate, Wayfair, and Lowe’s. But don’t let these big names fool you—its pay-as-you-use model makes it accessible to smaller organizations, too.

It’s ideal for:

  • Production of ML workflows
  • Consolidating ML and AI tools on a single platform
  • Developing fully managed AI systems
  • Expanding Google Cloud services
  • Utilizing pre-configured APIs for speed
  • Evolving from pre-set configurations to full customization

How to Get Started

Here’s a quick, user-friendly guide that breaks down the key steps to successfully navigating this powerful tool. Each step in this table is designed to streamline your experience and ensure you make the most of this powerful platform.

🎯 VisionDefine your AI goals, such as improving customer experience or streamlining operations.
🧹 Data PrepOrganize and structure your data for optimal results.
🔬 ExperimentTry different models and settings to find the perfect match.
✅ EvaluationThoroughly test your model to ensure high standards.
🚀 Deployment Launch your model and monitor its progress for improvements.
🌱 AdaptationContinually enhance your AI with insights.

Usage and Cost

We get asked, ‘Can I use Vertex AI for free?’ While the platform is quite accessible, it is not a free service. As a cloud-based platform, it follows a pay-for-what-you-use model. In other words, you’re billed based on the computing resources and services you utilize. And some good news. Right now, new customers have $300 in free credits.

This flexible pricing makes it an accessible option for various business sizes, allowing you to scale according to your budget and needs.

For more details, visit Google Cloud’s Vertex AI page.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re looking to dip your toes or dive deep into its possibilities, Google Cloud AI is a solid source to power new development. It makes machine learning technologies more accessible and manageable for organizations of all sizes. From strategic planning to deployment and beyond, the platform can be a great companion in the journey towards a smarter, more efficient landscape.

Join the movement. Be a part of the future. Let’s innovate with Vertex AI.

Jason Wells
Jason Wells
Articles: 41