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12 Insider Tips on How to Write ChatGPT Prompts

More than a year after the debut of ChatGPT, the excitement, and wonder are still buzzing. One question remains at the top of users’ minds: How do you write ChatGPT prompts that produce the desired outputs? As AI increasingly weaves itself into the fabric of our daily digital lives, understanding how to communicate with it effectively isn’t just useful. It’s essential.

Whether you’re a newbie just dipping your toes in the AI waters or someone looking to up your game, I’m here to walk you through the nuts and bolts of creating prompts that will unlock exactly what you need from ChatGPT.

With this in mind, we put together an essential collection of 23 tips on how to write ChatGPT prompts. Each one is carefully selected to enhance your experience with one of the most robust public-facing AI models out there.

What are ChatGPT Prompts?

Prompts are initial questions, statements, or instructions provided by users to the language model developed by OpenAI. These prompts guide the AI, indicating the kind of information or output the user seeks. Ranging from simple queries to complex creative writing, technical explanations, or problem-solving requests, the effectiveness of the AI language model in delivering accurate and relevant responses largely depends on the structure and clarity of these prompts.

A well-crafted prompt ensures clear direction and context, enabling the AI to understand and respond to the user’s intent effectively. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use ChatGPT to optimize these prompts and tailor them to your specific needs and applications.

How to Write a Good Prompt for ChatGPT

Creating a good prompt prompt is a balance of precision and detail. Start with a clear question or statement enriched with relevant context, and specify the desired response format for more targeted results.

The art of prompt crafting significantly impacts the quality of the output. In this guide, my aim is to enhance your skills in this new art form, in line with the growth of AI. So, I’ll give you an example or question followed by effective and less effective prompts for ChatGPT.

1. Be Specific and Detailed

With AI, the more specific and detailed your prompts are, the better the responses will be. It’s all about clarity, specificity, and understanding your desired outcome.

Be clear about what you want to know or achieve. Moreover, it provides enough context for the models to understand and respond accurately.

Also, understanding how to write ChatGPT prompts includes the skillful use of keywords. They act as signposts, leading the models to deliver responses that are both accurate and relevant to your central question.

📌 You’re preparing a report on post-2020 real estate trends in Silicon Valley.

🟢 Effective

“Analyze the latest trends in real estate markets in Silicon Valley, focusing on changes in property prices and rental yields after the year 2020.”

🔴 Less Effective

“Tell me about Silicon Valley real estate.”

2. Set the Tone and Style

When using generative AI, you direct the conversation’s tone and style. Whether you’re looking for a formal discourse or a casual chat, your prompt sets the stage.

The way you phrase your query can significantly influence the AI’s response style, making your interaction more aligned with your expectations.

📌 You’re stuck writing a social media post. It needs to be a lighthearted, engaging blog post about the benefits of AI in digital marketing.

🟢 Effective

“Write a lighthearted, engaging blog post about the benefits of AI in digital marketing, suitable for social media audiences.”

🔴 Less Effective

“Write something about AI in marketing.”

3. Set a Persona

Try setting a persona. In other words, write the output from the perspective of a specific person. Doing this makes it more in line with the character’s traits and viewpoints.

📌 You’re looking for friendly, easy-to-understand financial advice.

🟢 Effective

“As a friendly and down-to-earth financial advisor, could you explain the basics of investing in the stock market?”

🔴 Less Effective

“Explain stock market investing.”

4. Set a Specific Reading Level

Want your content to resonate with a specific audience? Try tailoring it to a specific reading level. Indicate this preference in your prompt to ensure the responses match your writing requirements.

📌 You’re preparing material for a middle school science class.

🟢 Effective

“Explain the water cycle at a reading level suitable for middle school students, using simple terms and examples.”

🔴 Less Effective

“What is the water cycle?”

How to Write Prompts for ChatGPT

When crafting prompts, using straightforward and concise language is key. Avoid ambiguous phrases and aim for directness in your questions or statements to minimize misunderstandings and elicit precise responses.

Remember, the ChatGPT AI writing assistant is like a conversation partner. The more clearly and specifically you speak to it, the better it can understand and help you.

5. Keep to One Main Idea

Focus on one main idea at a time to get the best outputs. This approach prevents the database from being overwhelmed with too many concepts. Also, it ensures that your primary concern is addressed thoroughly and accurately.

📌 You’re curious about how solar panels work, specifically their mechanism for converting sunlight into electricity.

🟢 Effective

“Explain how solar panels convert sunlight into electricity.”

🔴 Less Effective

“Tell me about solar panels and wind turbines.”

It’s smart to keep the queries to one idea. However, you can sequence your questions and then follow up with more.

Organizing your questions in a logical sequence can turn a simple query into a compelling narrative. This methodical approach not only enhances the coherence of the AI’s responses but also ensures that each part of your inquiry receives the attention it deserves.

6. Use Examples

Incorporating examples or analogies in your prompts can greatly aid language models in grasping and responding to more complex or abstract concepts. This technique serves as a bridge, helping translate intricate ideas into understandable and relatable responses.

📌 You want to understand machine learning in a practical context, such as how it’s applied in email spam filtering.

🟢 Effective

“Describe the concept of machine learning using the example of email spam filtering.”

🔴 Less Effective

“What is machine learning?”

7. Be Precise and Structured

Accuracy is key when it comes to dates and numbers. Providing precise information in your prompts helps get specific and relevant data, enhancing the overall quality and usefulness of the response.

If your prompt is open to interpretation, take a moment to clarify. This extra step can significantly improve the accuracy of the AI’s response.

Asking for bullet points or numbered lists, especially for complex queries, can help address each part of your question more effectively.

📌 You want to know the major benefits of remote working for both employers and employees.

🟢 Effective

“List the top 5 benefits of remote working for employers and another 5 for employees, focusing on productivity, work-life balance, and cost savings.

🔴 Less Effective

“Tell me the benefits of remote working.”

8. Avoid Jargon and Acronyms

Simplifying your language and avoiding or explaining jargon and acronyms make prompts easier to process.

📌 You’re asking about the impact of climate change on agriculture.

🟢 Effective

“Explain how climate change affects agriculture, focusing on crop yields and farming practices. Please avoid technical terms or explain them clearly.”

🔴 Less Effective

“Discuss the impact of anthropogenic climate change on agribusiness vis-à-vis crop yields and agronomy.”

9. Experiment with Different Phrasings

If your prompt is not hitting the bullseye, try rephrasing it. Experimenting with different wordings can uncover new perspectives and answers.

Don’t underestimate the power of question words. They quickly direct algorithms to provide more detailed and focused answers. You know those words…

  • who
  • what
  • when
  • where
  • why
  • how

📌 You’re seeking advice on improving time management skills. 

🟢 Effective

“What are some effective strategies for enhancing time management skills in a professional setting?”

🔴 Less Effective

“How to manage time better?”

10. Request a Step-By-Step Response

For procedural or instructional queries, asking for a step-by-step response can be extremely helpful. This format provides clarity and order, making the information more digestible and easier to follow.

When I ask math-related questions, I always end the prompt with “think step by step”. 

📌 You need help solving a quadratic equation.

🟢 Effective

“How do you solve the quadratic equation 3x^2 – 12x + 9 = 0? Please explain step by step.”

🔴 Less Effective

“How to solve 3x^2 – 12x + 9 = 0?”

11. State the Desired Format

When learning how to write ChatGPT prompts, if you have a specific format in mind for the response, such as a list, paragraph, or table, make sure to state this in your prompt. This direction helps tailor its response to meet your expectations more precisely.

📌 You’re comparing different types of renewable energy sources for a research project.

🟢 Effective

“Create a comparison table showing the efficiency, cost, and environmental impact of solar, wind, and hydro energy sources.”

🔴 Less Effective

“Compare solar, wind, and hydro energy.”

12. Refine and Reiterate!

Of all the tips, this one is probably the best. View each interaction as part of a learning curve. If the initial response doesn’t fully meet your needs, refine and add more details. Each adjustment is an opportunity to improve the precision and relevance of the outputs.

📌 You’re seeking information about healthy eating habits, but the first response wasn’t specific enough.

🟢 Effective

“Could you provide detailed guidance on healthy eating habits for maintaining good heart health, including recommended foods and foods to avoid?”

🔴 Less Effective

“Give me some tips on healthy eating.”

When you develop an ideal prompt, save it! You can reuse it in the future.


There you have it – a comprehensive guide on how to write ChatGPT prompts. Remember, the journey with AI is a continuous learning experience. As you apply these tips, you’ll unlock new possibilities and refine your skills in AI interaction. Stay curious, keep experimenting, and enjoy your adventure in the AI wonderland! 🚀🤖

Also, Keep an eye out for our upcoming advanced AI strategies—there’s always more to discover at the AI Dev Lab!

Jason Wells
Jason Wells
Articles: 41